1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to the website of the TM “Cat Land” online store located at https://shop.catland.com.ua/ and to all relevant sites linked to the site https: // shop .catland.com.ua /.
1.2. The website of the TM “Cat Land” online store (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is the property of the Private Joint Stock Company “Weighting Plant”.
1.3. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the Administration of the site of the TM “Cat Land” online store (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration) and the User of this Site.
1.4. The User’s use of the Site Services, in full or in part, means the User’s full agreement with all the terms of this User Agreement, and is considered as the fact of the conclusion of this User Agreement between the User and the Site Administration, regardless of the registration or lack of registration of such a User on the Site. It is a complete and unconditional acceptance of the Agreement (including its annexes), ignorance of which does not release the User from liability for failure to comply with its terms. The moment of conclusion of this Agreement is the moment of any interaction of the User with the Site.
1.5. The Agreement can be changed by the Site Administration without prior notice to the User. The current version of the User Agreement is available at https://shop.catland.com.ua/polzovatelskoe-soglashenie. The continued use of the Site by the User (any further interaction with the Site) means his consent to the changes in the Agreement.
1.6. In addition to the text of this Agreement, the procedure for providing Services and using the Site is also established by the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of this Agreement.
1.7. The site administration has the right at any time to refuse any User to use the Site in case of violation of the terms of this Agreement.
2.1. In this Agreement, the terms are used in the following meanings:
2.1.1 ТМ “Cat Land” – an online store located on the domain name https://shop.catland.com.ua/, operating through the Internet resource and related services.
2.1.2. Online store – a site containing information about the Goods, the Seller, allowing you to select, order and / or purchase the Goods.
2.1.3. Administration of the website of the online store – Private Joint Stock Company “Weighting Plant” and / or persons authorized by it to manage the Site and provide services (Services) to Users.
2.1.4. A visitor to the website of an online store (hereinafter referred to as the Visitor) is a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.
2.1.5. User of the website of the online store (hereinafter referred to as the User) – the Buyer or Visitor who accepted the terms of this Agreement.
2.1.6. Buyer – any capable individual or legal entity, individual – an entrepreneur who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and who, using the capabilities of the Site, buys and / or orders the goods / services offered by the Site Administration. The buyer uses the capabilities of the Site by registering on the Site with the creation of his “Personal Account” or without registration and creation of a “Personal Account” when ordering goods on the Site.
2.1.7. The content of the website of the online store (hereinafter referred to as the Content) is the protected results of intellectual activity, including the texts of literary works, their titles, forewords, annotations, articles, illustrations, covers, musical works with or without text, graphic, text, photographic, derivatives, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as the design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style and location of this Content included in the Site and other intellectual property objects all together and / or separately contained on the website of the online store.
2.1.8. Account – the User’s electronic cabinet in the Site system.
2.1.9. Privacy Policy – the terms of work with confidential information on the Site, which is an integral part of this Agreement and is posted at the link: https://shop.catland.com.ua/polzovatelskoe-soglashenie.
2.1.10. Services – a set of services that are provided to Users on the Site in accordance with this Agreement, on a paid or free basis, including, but not exclusively, creating an account, accessing the “Personal Account” section of the Site, using the Site to post reviews, providing access, as well as a set of actions related to providing Users with the opportunity to select and order goods / services, ensuring their connection with the Site Administration in the relevant categories, etc. The use of the Services is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine.
3.1. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the Visitor of the Online Store with access to the information on the Products and the services provided on the Site (viewing and downloading materials from the Site), and providing the User of the Online Store with additional access to services for creating an account, access to the “Personal Account », Publication of reviews, as well as granting the right to make purchases.
3.1.1. The online store provides the Visitor with the following types of services (services):
• access to electronic content with the right to view the content;
• access to search and navigation tools of the online store;
• access to information about the Goods and to information about purchasing the Goods on a paid basis;
• other types of services (services) sold on the pages of the online store without registration.
3.1.2. The online store provides the User with the following types of services (services):
access to electronic content with the right to purchase and view content;
• access to search and navigation tools of the online store;
• providing the ability to publish reviews, post messages, rate the content of the online store;
• access to information about the Goods and to information about purchasing the Goods on a paid basis;
• access to the “Personal Account” through registration;
• other types of services (services) sold on the pages of the online store, with registration.
This Agreement covers all services (services) of the Internet store that are actually functioning at the moment, as well as any subsequent modifications and additional services (services) of the Internet store that appear in the future.
3.2. Access to the online store is provided free of charge.
3.3. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the Site, the Visitor is considered to have acceded to this Agreement. The user is deemed to have accepted the terms of this Agreement after registering on the Site or without registering when ordering the Goods.
3.4. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.
3.5. Any User, using the services on the Site, can leave their feedback on the work of the Site Administration, while observing the terms of the Agreement.
4.1. The site administration has the right to:
4.1.1. Change the rules for using the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. Changes to the terms of use come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Site.
4.1.2. Restrict access to the Site if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.
4.1.3. The site administration has the right to send messages to Users (commercial offers), including electronic messages to the address e-mail provided by the User, or SMS / Viber messages to the numbers of his mobile phones provided by the User. The user can at any time refuse to receive such messages further.
4.1.4. The site administration can provide the User with advice on specific issues related to the use of the Services using feedback.
4.1.5. The Site Administration, in order to ensure the safety of the Site, as well as to prevent and stop fraudulent activities on the Site, has the right to request documents that identify Users (a photo of the User in a selfie format with an open passport, scanned copies (photos) of the passport User, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations for Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities). In case of refusal to provide documents, the Site Administration has the right to unilaterally suspend, restrict or terminate such User’s access to any of the services unilaterally at any time.
4.2. The user has the right:
4.2.1. Use all the services available on the Site, as well as purchase any Goods offered on the Site.
4.2.2. Ask any questions related to the services of the online store using the details that are in the “Contacts” section of the Site.
4.2.3. Use the Site solely for the purposes and in the manner provided for by the Agreement and not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.
4.3. The Site User undertakes:
4.3.1. Provide, upon the request of the Site Administration, additional information that is directly related to the services provided by this Site.
4.3.2. Observe the property and non-property rights of authors and other rightholders when using the Site.
4.3.3. Do not take actions that may be considered as disrupting the normal operation of the Site.
4.3.4. Not to distribute using the Site any confidential and protected by Ukrainian legislation information about individuals or legal entities.
4.3.5. Avoid any actions, as a result of which the confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of Ukraine may be violated.
4.3.6. Do not use the Site to disseminate advertising information, except with the consent of the Site Administration.
4.3.7. Do not use the services of the website of the online store for the purpose of:
4.3.7. 1. uploading content that is illegal violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and (or) discrimination on racial, national, sex, religious, social grounds; contains inaccurate information and (or) insults to specific individuals, organizations, authorities.
4.3.7. 2. inducement to commit illegal actions, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions in force on the territory of Ukraine.
4.3.7. 3. violation of the rights of minors and (or) causing them harm in any form.
4.3.7. 4. infringement of the rights of minorities.
4.3.7. 5.presenting oneself for another person or representative of an organization and (or) community without sufficient rights, including for the employees of this online store.
4.3.7. 6. misleading about the properties and characteristics of any Product from the catalog of the online store posted on the Site.
4.3.7. 7. incorrect comparison of the Goods, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons (not) using certain Goods, or condemnation of such persons.
4.4. The user is prohibited from:
4.4.1. Vikoristovuvati be-like attachments, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic attachments or equivalent manual processes for access, add-ons, copying or reporting to the site of this Internet store
4.4.2. Porushuvati is a proper function of the Site;
4.4.3. In some way, bypass the navigation structure of the Site to reject or try to reject any information, documents or materials, which are not specifically represented by the services of the given Site;
4.4.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Site, any other systems or networks related to this Site, as well as to any services offered on the Site;
4.4.4. Violate the security or authentication system on the Site or in any network related to the Site.
4.4.5. Perform a reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other Site User.
4.4.6. Use the Site and its Content for any purposes prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine, as well as incite to any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the online store or other persons.
4.5. When filling out the order form or when registering on the Site, the User must provide true, accurate and complete information about himself on the issues that are offered, and keep this information up to date, corresponding to reality. The user undertakes to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. In case of providing inaccurate or incomplete information, the Site Administration has the right to suspend or cancel the registration of the User and / or stop providing him with the Services.
4.6. By registering on the Site, the User consents to the automatic creation of his “Personal Account”, to enter which will be used the email address and password specified during registration on the Site. At the same time, the Buyer can delete his Personal Account at any time, provided that he has access to it.
4.7. The user undertakes not to carry out actions aimed at gaining access to someone else’s personal account / account by selecting a login and password, hacking or other actions.
4.8. The user has no right to transfer, withdraw, sell, transfer for use, etc. your login and password for access to the “Personal Account” to third parties without the consent of the Site Administration. In case of transferring the login and password to any third party, the User bears all responsibility for the actions of such a third party after that.
4.9 Users of the Site undertake not to admit to the address and in relation to other Users / Visitors, the Administration of the Site, expressions and statements in a rude, offensive form, show aggression and use in their statements (both oral and written) obscene language. In case of receipt of a complaint or fixation by the Site Administration of the above actions, such a User is issued a warning. If there is a recorded violation two or more times, the Site Administration has the right to restrict such User’s access to the Site (to the “Personal Account”).
5.1. The Site and the Content that is part of the Site is owned and operated by the Site Administration.
5.2. The content of the Site cannot be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way, as well as posted on the global Internet without the prior written consent of the Site Administration.
5.3. The content of the Site is protected by copyright, trademark law, as well as other rights related to intellectual property and unfair competition laws.
5.4. The purchase of the Goods offered on the Site may require the creation of a User account.
5.5. The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account information, including the password, as well as for all, without exception, activities that are conducted on behalf of the User of the account.
5.6. The user must immediately notify the Site Administration of any unauthorized use of his account or password or any other security breach.
5.7. The site administration has the right to unilaterally cancel the User’s account if it has not been used for more than six consecutive calendar months without notifying the User.
5.7. This Agreement applies to all additional terms and conditions for the purchase of Goods and the provision of services provided on the Site.
5.8. The information posted on the Site should not be construed as a change to this Agreement.
5.9. The site administration has the right, at any time, without notifying the User, to make changes to the list of Products and services offered on the Site, and (or) to the prices applicable to such Products for their sale and (or) services provided by the Internet store.
6.1. Any losses that the User may incur in the event of intentional or reckless violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another User, are not reimbursed by the Site Administration.
6.2. The site administration is not responsible for:
6.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of performing an operation arising from force majeure, as well as any case of malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.
6.2.2. Actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and for delays associated with their work.
6.2.3. The proper functioning of the Site, if the User / Visitor does not have the necessary technical means to use it, and also does not bear any obligations to provide users / visitors with such means.
7.1. The site administration has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of this Site, if disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint regarding the misuse of the Site, or to establish (identify) a User who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Site Administration or the rights of other Site Users.
7.2. The site administration has the right to disclose any information about the User that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, protect the rights or security of the name of the organization, Users.
7.3. The site administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of Ukraine requires or permits such disclosure.
7.4. The site administration has the right to terminate and (or) block access to the Site without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Site or due to a technical problem or problem.
7.5. The site administration is not responsible to the User or third parties for the termination of access to the Site in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Site.
7.4. The site administration has the right to terminate and (or) block access to the Site without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use of the Site contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Site or due to a technical problem or problem.
7.5. The site administration is not responsible to the User or third parties for the termination of access to the Site in case of violation by the User of any provision of this Agreement or other document containing the terms of use of the Site.
8.1. In the event of any disagreement or dispute between the Parties to this Agreement, a prerequisite before going to court is the submission of a claim (a written proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).
8.2. The recipient of the claim within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt shall notify the applicant of the claim in writing about the results of the consideration of the claim.
8.3. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute on a voluntary basis, any of the Parties has the right to apply to the court for the protection of their rights, which are granted to them by the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.4. Any claim regarding the terms of use of the Site must be filed within 14 days after the grounds for the claim arise, with the exception of copyright protection for the materials of the Site protected in accordance with the law. In case of violation of the terms of this clause, any claim or grounds for a claim will be extinguished by the limitation period.
9.1. The site administration does not accept counter offers from the User regarding changes to this User Agreement.
9.2. User reviews posted on the Site are not confidential information and can be used by the Site Administration without restrictions.
10. Appendices to the Agreement
10.1 Privacy Policy – located at the link https://shop.catland.com.ua/politika-konfidentsalnosti.
Approved 10/06/2020