PJSC “Plant of Weighting Agents” is the first among the enterprises producing bentonite products that has implemented and successfully applies a quality management system in the field of “Virobnitvo i realizatsiya produktsії: clay powders for boring rosinov, clay bentonitovy formuvalnі, special tamponіnіnіy cementitivities, blennіon of cemented , powder, mineral, bentonite bentonite for natural creatures ”in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015.
The company operates its own certified central factory laboratory (CPL). CPL – the main structural unit in the quality control system of products manufactured by the enterprise.

The CPL is entrusted with:
-input and dosimetric control of incoming raw materials,
-controlling the quality of products, according to the technological regulations,
– quality control of finished products according to regulated indicators for delivery to the warehouse of finished products (acceptance tests),
– Monitoring compliance with sanitary standards of industrial sanitation in the production units of the enterprise,
-controlling the concentration of pollutant emissions from stationary sources of pollution.
CPL develops new technological schemes of processes, develops and implements new technologies and types of products, works on improving the quality of products, conducts control, testing, research work.
The CPL consists of highly qualified employees who annually participate in continuing education seminars, take part in specialized exhibitions of the enterprise.
Quality certificate