The principle of operation of the lumpy filler is that when moisture gets on it, lumps are formed, which are easily removed from the tray. In this case, you do not need to change the entire filler. Cleaning of the toilet should be done daily: it is necessary to remove lumps and solid waste and add filler to the required amount.
Many customers complain that the lumpy litter does not clump, and moisture flows down to the bottom of the tray and sticks to the bottom along with some of the litter. Then it is difficult to wash it off. But in reality, many people simply misuse clumping filler. According to the instructions, you need to pour at least 4-5 cm of filler into the tray. Then he will be able to properly clump and remove the smell.
Clumping litter is ideal for one cat because after the pet goes to the toilet, the lump has time to dry out and can be removed. If there are two or more cats in the house, the lumps may not have time to dry, so pets will carry the filler on their paws throughout the house.
Pros: Very economical when used for one cat; neutralizes odor well; convenient to clean the toilet – just collect lumps and solid waste; not toxic, because clumping fillers are made only from natural materials, so they are great for kittens; very similar to what cats by nature go to the toilet. Pros: very economical when used for one cat; neutralizes odor well; convenient to clean the toilet – just collect lumps and solid waste; not toxic, because clumping fillers are made only from natural materials, so they are great for kittens; most similar to what cats by nature go to the toilet.
For the convenience of our customers, we have created an online store Cat Land, which you can visit at Our experts will acquaint you with all the subtleties and features in the use of our products. We will discuss the volumes of supplies and delivery to the region you need.
Buy a napovnyuch for a kitty toilet from the Cat Land trademark. Show respect and love to your vikhovantsev already this year! Mi chekaєmo you every day from 8.00 to 18.00. Telephones: +38 050-484-15-35, +38 (06272) 4-25-76.