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The correct organization of the toilet is a mandatory aspect of the life and upbringing of an urban cat, which does not have the opportunity to go outside to relieve itself. One of the easiest ways to keep your pet comfortable in these matters is to install a special litter tray.

How to use cat litter? Why do you need filler at all?
Our grandmothers did not even think about buying specialized cat litter products and used what was on the farm: old newspapers, sawdust and sand. Such a popular method would not have enjoyed such popularity if it was not effective, but in comparison with modern special bentonite granules Cat Land, it still loses.

Paper and sawdust absorb moisture well, but absolutely cannot cope with the smell. In this regard, it can rightly be argued that Cat Land ready-made bentonite cat litter is much more practical and much more convenient to use.

How much filler should I put in the tray? How to use cat litter?
The answer to this question directly depends on which tray you are using: simple or with a grid. In the first case, the granules spill out to the bottom of the tray, that is, the cat stands with its paws directly on them. The amount directly depends on your free time and your desire to clean. If you pour the filler in too thin a layer that barely covers the bottom, it will get dirty quickly enough and will require a complete replacement and thorough washing of the container. If you overdo it, the cat will scatter the pellets when burying, adding to your work while cleaning the apartment. The approximate “ideal” thickness is 4.5-5 cm, depending on the height of the side.

If there is a lattice in the tray that protects the cat’s legs from direct contact with the bulk mass, then the question of its quantity is decided by itself – almost all the space under it should be filled with filler. This will extend the interval between brushings.

How to clean up after a cat? Two things will help you in this matter: a specialized scoop with perforation, which is a must for any cat owner, and optional tray packages.
The scoop should be used to remove wet, clumped filler and solid faeces. This should be done regularly, immediately after the pet relieves. The fact is that all cats are very clean and will most likely refuse to visit a “dirty” toilet. The perforation in the scoop will help sift clean granules, thereby saving filler.

The tray bags are used as bedding so you don’t have to wash the plastic base itself. This is quite convenient, but only if you are using a tray with a frame or grill. The edges of the bag are squeezed between it and the base, so it doesn’t get knocked or torn during use. In other cases, it is likely that the cat will tear the bag when instilled.

How often do you completely clean? How to use cat litter?
As soon as you smell a slight odor or notice that after regular cleaning with a scoop, there is too little filler left for comfortable use, you can completely replace it with washing the container and scoop.

How do I dispose of the filler?
And the last important aspect of using cat litter is its disposal. The cleaning principle for the regular removal of the used mass and residues with a complete wash of the tray is general and depends on the amount of contaminated filler. The filler must not be emptied into the toilet.

As you can see, using cat litter is very easy, especially if you take care of all the accompanying “tools” and a convenient tray first.

To order our filler, go to the site shop.catland.com.ua. Or call +38 050-484-15-35. Our staff will contact you and advise you on the use and purchase.